Hanging Sleeve Add On

Hanging Sleeve Add On

When you select the Hanging Sleeve add on (a $45 fee), your quilt will come with a hanging sleeve attached making it easy for you to hang as an art object in your home.

Yellowstone National Park Quilt hung next to a breakfast nook.

More materials are needed to hang the quilt.

A hanging bar is still needed to hang the quilt. These are the materials you will need to pick-up from your hardware store.

A piece of flat trim molding cut to the length of your sleeve. (We reccommend using a piece approximately 3/8" thick x 2" wide)

2x Eyelet screws.

Hanging Your Quilt

Attach two eyelet screws to the ends of the hanging bar. Make sure the eyelets extend beyond the edges of the hanging sleeeve but NOT the edges of the quilt itself.

Mark the two hanging points on the wall where your quilt will hang, using a level and the hanging bar. Put in two nails and suspend your quilt. 

Do not hang your quilt in an area the receives direct sunlight; UV light damages natural fibers very quickly and you don't want your quilt to fade.

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